
WordPress hook钩子edit_page_form的用法详解

the `edit_page_form` hook is used in WordPress to modify the page editing form in the admin panel. It allows developers to add or modify fields, sections, or other elements in the form.

Here is an example of how to use the `edit_page_form` hook:

function my_custom_page_fields($post) {
// Add a custom field to the page editing form
echo '';
echo 'ID, 'my_custom_field', true) . '" />';
add_action('edit_page_form', 'my_custom_page_fields');

In this example, the `my_custom_page_fields` function is hooked to the `edit_page_form` action. Inside the function, we add a custom field to the page editing form by echoing HTML markup for a label and an input field. The value of the custom field is retrieved using the `get_post_meta` function.

By using this hook, the custom field will be displayed on the page editing form in the WordPress admin panel. The value of the field can be saved and retrieved using the `save_post` hook and the `get_post_meta` function.

You can also use the `edit_page_form` hook to modify existing fields or sections in the page editing form. For example, you can remove or rename the fields, or change their order or appearance.

Overall, the `edit_page_form` hook provides a lot of flexibility to customize the page editing form in WordPress according to your specific needs.

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